“Hope Not nope Reveals the timeless prescription for vitality and well-being” ~NBC News
While serving some of the world’s elite athletes in various sports, we realized something that made them special and helped them thrive:
They had Hope.
Hope is not what you think. It’s not just a passive, wishful state. We consider that False Hope.
Real Hope is built upon the pillars of self-agency, goals, and a framework to achieve those goals.
When athletes learn and earn HOPE, they become unstoppable & they thrive – but sometimes things “get in the way” of hope.
In a combined 20+ years in high-level sports rehab & ministry, we noticed an irking pattern that gets in the way of Hope: we call it Nope.
Every day people are given misinformation and flat-out lies from respected figures using outdated frameworks, leading them to feel discouraged and doubting their capabilities.
We call this “Nope”:
and SO many more examples…
Nope is what’s given to people to stop them from living as God intends them to – as a thriving athletic being: spirit, mind, and body.
“Dr. Caswell shines a meaningful light on this dilemma that people face. He highlights the problem in a way that can allow anyone to recognize how the system is failing and then supports…with tools and frameworks to enhance their health outcomes and reclaim their birthright of a healthy and athletic body.”
~Marcus Filly, Founder & Owner of Functional Bodybuilding, 6x CrossFit Games Competitor
People are giving up their purpose, athletic being, and what makes them live wholeheartedly due to poor advice from respected figures. People are getting the message of fear, feeling of brokenness, not being enough, and routined rejection, all summed up as the feeling of nope. If that’s you, it’s time to…
We’re here with the mission to empower Hope to those plagued by nope by restoring the greatest healing agent: Hope.
As athletes ourselves, along with working with a range of every day to world-class athletes, we understand how important movement is to quality of life. However, our framework would be lacking if it ONLY included movement.
This is why we help athletes facing adversity or discouragement in reclaiming their athletic being – spirit, mind, and body.
With our top-selling book, free resources, online courses, speaking events, and podcast – we educate people like you with a combination of modern sports science & faith to confidently live how God created you to: resilient, adaptable, and thriving!
“Who wants to live a life of unhappiness and suffering? If you answered “not me”, then Hope Not Nope is for you!”
~Dr. Tim Gabbett, Ph.D. top 25 most impactful sports scientist of all time
Key Benefits of the Course:
“It is rare to hold such a powerful compilation of all that is positive in my hands…this book brilliantly written is a must-read for any athlete or any gender, age, and parents, coaches, and healthcare workers as well. It will be your blueprint, your guide, your inspiration.”
– Tim Green, NY Times Best Selling Author, Former NFL Player
An empowering and enthusiastic show that features inspirational stories and joyful banter about hope.
With hosts Brandi and Dr. Dillon Caswell, every episode will be filled with answering your questions related to health, wellness, sports performance, physical therapy, injuries, habits, goals, dreams, and how to live a life of hope.
“Human beings need solutions, optimistic language, coaching to learn how to embrace suffering during appropriate seasons, inspiration to practice courage, community to serve as guard rails along the path, and feel the difference between hope and nope.”