Put. Doubt. To. Rest.

See what Your Potential is when nope is replaced with



As you progress through life...

A few questions cause you to exude a bright smile and stand tall OR to slump your shoulders in the “regret” posture. Those questions:

  • Did I leave it all out there?

  • Did I reach my full potential?

  • Did I achieve the desires placed on my heart?

Answer those honestly…

After working firsthand with some of the best athletes in the world we learned some of them never would have reached their potential IF they didn’t learn and earn HOPE.

If you felt the shoulder slump occur from the questions above, ask yourself if that’s the legacy you want to leave. 

Our hypothesis is that it’s not, you want the feeling of fulfillment (wholeness/completion = the root definition of Health) BUT there is a barrier. 

The barrier is rooted in doubts from misinformation, rejection, lies, or anything that has tempted you into believing you are broken, not capable, and not resilient, the things we call “NOPE.”

What if, there was a strategy to break down that barrier…

What if, HOPE intertwined with modern neuroscience was able to be coached and set the foundation for you to “leave it all out there.”  

“Hope Coaching has helped me several times throughout my journey as a lifelong athlete and is

a constant reminder to me that even at 60, the path forward is filled with more opportunity.

Hope Coaching was able to assess and identify a path forward which allowed me to do what I love doing and that’s being a competitive crossfit athlete.”

“I have not only gotten stronger physically but mentally and spiritually as well.

While dealing with injuries, I came to them down and sad about being injured and out of my sport, but throughout my time with Hope Not Nope, I learned hope and how to have hope in myself. 

Overall, I can’t thank Hope Not Nope enough for helping me

come back to my sport stronger than I was before, both physically and mentally.

Hold Up, Back It Up…How Can HOPE Be Coached?

Fair question! We believe the societal conception of Hope is…Wrong!
It is not wishful thinking. For Hope to exist it has to stand on the trilogy of:
  • Self-agency
  • Goals
  • Pathways To Reach The Goals


If any of those pillars is violated, hope does not exist, at that point, it is false hope which is wishful thinking.
“I have come to understand a new and much deeper meaning of HOPE.

For me, this new meaning of HOPE entails a deep belief that despite the pain and setbacks I have experienced over the past 70 years, I can choose now to improve and expand my options for meaningful athletic performance.”

“Hope Coaching has allowed me to take a completely holistic view of my life. As a CrossFit athlete I have goals within my sport.

As a human I desire whole and full health, by rewriting the lies that have been and are told to me still.

Rewriting lies told to me dating all the way back from childhood and I lies I tell myself and my body. My mind and body believe what it’s told, that includes what I tell it.

I choose to no longer live in fear, to no longer live in nope, I chose HOPE.”

Through years of research and work in the trenches, we’ve discovered that hope is a strategic cognitive choice.

In Hope Coaching we EMPOWER you with that strategy in a way that you have never experienced before.

You’ll embrace self-agency and cultivate a modern-day champion mindset.

Hope Not Nope wants to steer people away from being tempted by ‘quick fixes’ that deliver empty promises, and steer those people toward that which has been proven to improve health”

As featured on:

The Hope Coaching course will shift you off the pathway of wellness gadgets and gimmicks.

You will get real up-to-date scientific evidence allowing you to authentically believe that your body, mind, and spirit are good and trust you were created to thrive, heal, and reach peak performance!
“After completing the Hope Coaching course, the best word I can think of to encompass the outcome is “empowering”.
As a dancer battling lupus and other autoimmune conditions, in eating disorder recovery, and a survivor of sexual assault- I have been at constant war with my body for so long. Being conditioned to believe that my body is “damaged” and “broken” has not only taken a toll on my art, it has also robbed me of hope.
Going into this course, my greatest desire was to authentically believe my body is good and trust it was created to thrive and heal by its own power. I can honestly say that Hope Coaching has EMPOWERED me in a way I have never experienced before.

Healing my relationship with my body in a 4 week course is nothing short of a miracle. And is also SO POSSIBLE!

This course has taught me to harness the power and tools that already exist inside of me. I have never been so ready and excited to take my life and my health back!
We educate you on the pathway forward to reach your performance goals using simple, not easy solutions – and YES, all of this happens in this course!

Sounds Good BUT How Can Hope Help With Human Performance?

We’ve worked with thousands of athletes from former NFL stars to Master Olympians, World-touring performance artists, World Collegiate competitors (D1-D3), National record-holding powerlifters and strong man competitors, Top CrossFit Athletes, and everyday pickleball enthusiasts AND the thing that elevated them from being good to great was, you guessed it: Hope!

“Hope Coaching taught me about the neuroplasticity of the brain, reframed my relationship with my injury,

reestablished my identity as an athlete and planted in me what I so desperately needed, hope.

Even when it was hard, I left every single session feeling empowered and capable.

It laid out mental building blocks for me then built the foundation for me to go on to

win more competitions, set 15 state records across the NorthEast and my first National record.”

We are not afraid to admit the combination of true hope and science is powerful and not just in the short-term but in creating longevity

Hope Not Nope Reveals the Timeless Prescription for Vitality and Well-Being”

As featured on:

Longevity is not found in supplements, detoxes, or slamming down shots of olive oil – it’s found in the ability to take on stressors and adapt to them. 

Too many people have forgotten that they’ve already been gifted with the BEST ways to adapt to stressors. That revelation is found in Hope Coaching. 


It’s time to not only learn what truly drives longevity and peak performance, but how you can tap into them to reach your full potential!


Meet The Hope Coaching Developers

Dr. Dillon Caswell, PT, DPT, SCS, best known as Dillon. I broke out of the traditional healthcare transaction over transformation mill, avoided the temptation of placebo-based nonscientific biased solutions, and created an up-to-date methodology of Hope based on unleashing the true power of the brain to put Nope (misinformation and fear-mongering) aside allowing people to reclaim their birthright as healthy and athletic.

The transactional healthcare system has routinely challenged me to keep “healthy” and “athletic” as part of my identity. It’s a struggle when you’re not seen or heard, rushed through, and given misinformation such as, “It’s a knee sprain” when in reality they missed my tibial shaft fracture, or when I was advised “Your finger has a small infection, you’ll be good” to then needing an emergency surgery 12 hours later coupled with 1-month of powerful antibiotics taken via a PICC line. It’s difficult when a respected figure doesn’t even know your name but tells you, “You’re too small for football.” In each of these, and many other circumstances, I forgave the “nope” I faced and persevered. 

However, after serving thousands of people who had “nope” stories and witnessing the prolonged suffering my mom went through due to misinformation while battling a life-threatening illness, I honestly became angry. I soon learned anger doesn’t solve, but creating change has the potential to.

That change was releasing the methodology I had been working on for 10 years: Hope Not Nope. I combined my two passions of health and creating lifelong athletes uniquely together with the foundation of modern neuroscience and Hope. 

This approach has guided 2,000+ individuals (ranging from everyday to professional athletes) to become the best version of themselves, both as a person and athlete.  

What sets us apart…is using the simplest but not easy solutions. No supplements, modalities, “detoxes,” or other gimmicky placebo-based interventions – just neuroscience, physiology, and of course, HOPE. 

An injury in high school left me with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Chronic Pain for nearly 10 years – I believed I could never be an athlete without pain again.

Eventually, I became tired of subscribing to the diagnoses and frameworks that were once given to me and decided to make a change.

While pursuing health in mind, body, and spirit, I discovered the greatest healing was through hope.

Before, I was depressed, anxious, consumed by an eating disorder, in chronic pain, and believed I was “stuck with the hand I was dealt.”

I spent years of repeat doctor visits which left me nowhere, taking multiple different supplements each day yet still having no relief, and grasping at diet changes wanting that to be “the cure” to my challenges.

Each day I woke up discouraged, knowing that the day ahead would be one ofpain and no progress.

But then Hope Changed My Life.

Now, I am free of those burdens that once controlled me. I finally said goodbye to chronic pain, eating disorder, depression, etc., and stopped hopping on false-promising trends.

I am a better person and athlete today than ever before. I wake up every day enjoying my life, prioritizing what feeds my soul, and blesses those around me. I compete as a CrossFit athlete and love an occasional game of pick-up basketball or football.

I have a fiery passion for being a beacon of hope to as many people as possible.

The difference between who I was before and who I am now is simple: HOPE.

Friends of Hope Not Nope

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is not for those who are complacent or not ready to embrace personal growth. If you’re not prepared to actively engage, challenge yourself, and make meaningful changes, this course may not be the right fit for you. Our aim is to support individuals who are eager to step out of their comfort zones and pursue real progress.

This program is also not geared at those seeking immediate fixes but for those who are willing to put the work in to achieve long standing results.

Please note that the Digital Hope Coaching Course does not include an individualized exercise program. However, we offer personalized exercise plans as an additional service for an extra cost. If you are interested in adding a customized exercise program to your course, please email us at contact@hopenotnope.org for more information.

The Digital Hope Coaching Course is designed to provide general wellness and fitness guidance and does not constitute physical therapy or medical treatment. Participation in this course does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition. Ensure you have appropriate clearance from your healthcare provider before engaging in any physical activities recommended in this course. Your health and safety are our top priorities.

We’re confident that our course will provide valuable insights and tools for your personal development. However, we understand that sometimes things don’t work out as planned.

To ensure transparency and fairness, we have established the following refund policy:

Eligibility for Refund:

You may request a full refund of the course fee within 48 hours of your purchase if you are not completely satisfied.

To be eligible, you must contact us within the 48-hour window to request the refund.

Refund Request Process:

To request a refund, please email us at contact@hopenotnope.org with the subject line “Refund Request – Hope Coaching Mini Series.”

Include your order number, the date of purchase, and the reason for your refund request.


To qualify for a refund, you must not have accessed or used more than 25% of the course content. Access beyond this threshold will result in the forfeiture of the refund.

If you have downloaded any course materials, they must be deleted from your devices upon receiving the refund.

Refund Processing:

Once your refund request is received and approved, please allow up to 5-7 business days for the refund to be processed and credited back to your original payment method.


Refunds will not be issued for requests made after the 48-hour window from the date of purchase.

If you have participated in any live coaching sessions or interactive components of the course, these will impact your eligibility for a refund.

Contact Information:

For any questions or clarifications regarding this policy, please contact our support team at contact@hopenotnope.org or visit our website for more information.