“Wake up to fulfillment, ambition, courage, and, most importantly, the best healing supplement we have: hope.” Page 135 of Hope Not Nope

Hope Not Nope: Using Hope for Healing

and reclaiming identity as a lifelong athlete in a sick healthcare system

About Hope Not Nope

One thing is guaranteed: You will struggle and face suffering at some point in your life. When you face that struggle, what will you do?

You can give up and give in OR you can persevere forward with HOPE!

Hope is not passive-it’s learned and earned. Hope relies on self-agency, goals, and a framework to achieve. Where can you get a framework that:

  • Encompasses the current issues in our healthcare system
  • Debunks out-of-date and junk science related to your health
  • Provides a framework, using modern neuroscience and a fresh perspective, for you to fully heal

ALL of this and more is in Hope Not Nope!

“But wait, I’m not an athlete…is this book for me?”

Everyone has the opportunity to be a lifelong athlete – YOU are a lifelong athlete – the competitive event is quality of life!

A lifelong athlete is defined as someone who is willing to sacrifice, put the work in, and remain disciplined. These values become harder or flat-out lost when healing doesn’t occur or people are given out-of-date labels. For example:

“…bone-on-bone in the living human system does not exist. Teryama et al. showed that in a cadaver’s knee, when they applied a static load equivalent to twice the body weight, the joint surfaces remained between .2-.6mm apart…How can our reasoning suggest that your discomfort is due to something that doesn’t happen?” p 47 Hope Not Nope

If you’ve lost your purpose due to suffering or are feeling beat up due to life’s obstacles, know there is more to your health than what you’ve been delivered. If you’re ready to reclaim purpose, joy, and discover the best version of yourself – Hope Not Nope has the solution-based framework waiting for you!

“When you lose your identity as an athlete, the concern is not that you lose the sport but that you lose the ability to live out these values.”
Page 6 of Hope Not Nope