An empowering and enthusiastic show

 that features inspirational stories and joyful banter about hope!

With hosts Brandi and Dr. Dillon Caswell, every episode will be filled with answering your questions related to health, wellness, sports performance, physical therapy, injuries, habits, goals, dreams, and how to live a life of hope.

Say goodbye to the Nope – the lies, rejection, and misinformation that you’ve believed for too long. Come get the full story about your health and start pursuing the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Dr. Dillon Caswell is known for his book, Hope Not Nope, as well as his years of previously hosting The Prehab Podcast with The Prehab Guys.

With this newly released Hope Not Nope Podcast, Dillon and Brandi are excited to share their mission of empowering hope to those who have been plagued by nope. They’re passionate about sharing evidence-based research and powerful victory stories, which will inspire you to not only be hopeful, but to become hope.

“Part of the solution is leaning into the discomfort while having faith that it will teach you something greater.” Page 84 of Hope Not Nope

Featured Hope Not Nope Interviews

Dr. Dillon Caswell has been on featured interviews with ReasonablyFit with Jason and Lauren Pak, SiriusXM Seize the Day with host Gus Lloyd, Syracuse’s Top Morning Talk Show Bridge Street, and more!

Reasonably Fit with Jason and Lauren Pak : Hope Not Nope: A Better Way

The Healing Pain Podcast with Dr. Joe Tatta: Hope As A Therapeutic Intervention For Chronic Pain

Former Host of the prehab podcast

Dr. Dillon Caswell is the former host of the [P]rehab Podcast, with The Prehab Guys, which is in the top 1.5% of podcasts in the world! 

For over 100 episodes, Dillon hosted episodes that have been listened to in 123 different countries and provided people solutions to learn and take control of their health. He has had the opportunity to collaborate and learn from experts such as Dr. Kelly Starrett, Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, Marcus Filly, Chris Hinshaw, Eric Cressy, Dr. Tim Gabbett, Chris Norton, Dr. John Rusin, and many more!

Dr. Kelly Starrett: Making Corrective Exercises Less Confusing, Pain vs Injury & Defining The Ready State with Dr. Kelly Starrett

Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, Top 1% most cited scientist in the world : The Role Of The Brain and How Emotions Are Made with Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett

Eric Cressey: Developing Speed for Rotational Athletes with Eric Cressey

Neil Patel, Top Entrepreneur and Marketing Influencer: How to Market with Marketing School’s Neil Patel

Dr. Michael Breus, America’s Sleep Doctor: How To Improve Sleep During A Pandemic With The Sleep Doctor

Chris Norton: The Will To Walk Again With Chris Norton

Chris Hinshaw: Becoming Better Coaches and Providers With Worldwide Expert Chris Hinshaw

“The beauty of this life is that we get a dream; even more powerful is that you can make that dream a reality.” Page 137 of Hope Not Nope